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 Streets of Rage experiences

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PostSubject: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptyThu Jun 07, 2012 10:24 pm

Well, I guess I am the first one here Smile I'll start then.

I don't remember well when I started to play Streets of Rage 1, it was a long time ago, but I guess it doesn't matter much, because I still remember my good times. The first time I played this game, I observed that its graphics are a little worse than its Bare Knuckle 3 counterpart (BK3 was the first game I played from this trilogy), but as I progressed in the game, I found that the music is awesome, even better than in Bare Knuckle 3. When I started to fight the first boss (my first time playing was in coop with one of my friends) I was shocked by the boss music, so I knew I have to beat this game, and not only once (and so that happened). As time passed, there were times when I was playing alone, of course my mood was different from time to time, which led to different reactions while playing. What I want to say is sometimes I was pissed off when the punks were lifting and knocking me down all the time. This itself, made me push the Jump and Attack buttons, as well as rotating the Up, Down, Left, Right buttons while a punk already grabbed me, so, to my surprise, my character (which was Axel at that time) landed on his feet Very Happy so this is how I learned a new move. But the right buttons to push (which are Up and Jump as you already know) I found out about only this year (2012) after I bumped on Bare Knuckle Remake project (I like to call it that way, but of course it's more popular by the name Streets of Rage Remake) Well, I could find out about this on the internet of course, but since I live in Moldova, not many people could afford to have internet at that time, that was my problem too, but spending money for different magazines with secrets and cheats for games - was a problem in those days.
One of the strategies I discovered, helped me fight multiple enemies on the hardest difficulty, so I quickly became an experienced player. And that is, pressing the hit button continuously and fast, and also pressing left and right, also continuously and fast.

The soundtracks
Well, I definitely have something to say about this, particularly the first 4 stage soundtracks. Let's start with the first one:

Fighting In The Streets
This soundtrack sounded like "Ok, the city is infested by a crime syndicate, but it's not all lost, I will clear it up, fight every opposing force that gets in my way, this city will be beautiful as before"

Dilapidated Town
This music, namely the first 11 seconds, were giving me the following message (and feeling) "Well, if you think about it, it's very bad that this city was overrun by this syndicate, look at this place! It was beautiful and safe here, and there is not one trace of the former self of this place, damn it". This theme gives you a little sadness, your morale drops down a little, BUT...when you fight the boss (who is badass and crazy) and hear the background music, all the sadness fades away in an instant, not to mention that this guy is really serious about killing you.

Moon Beach
Damn, this theme was one of the reasons I was playing this game. What can be said about this theme? Well, here’s the message this music gives me “It doesn’t matter what happened to this place, I am going forward as planned, that’s the only thing I have in mind”, so I go forward fighting the scum with no emotions except for a pure determination, and it doesn’t matter if I get hit or win the fights flawlessly, I don’t care, just like a biological cyborg (well, come to think of it, I did have emotions, but only because of the music, it’s hard to say this in a more understandable way). After meeting the boss, I was like “Come on!” but in a calmer way than with the other bosses.

Keep the Groovin’
This theme is a mix of the second and third in terms of emotions. Specifically “I see more things that sadden me, I may have the power to fight and return everything to normal, but I still think it would be better if this syndicate didn’t appear here at all, I guess I have no choice but to go forward” (this feeling get stronger after the second 0:34)

I guess that’s it for now Smile sorry for bad grammar and writing the phrases incorrectly, hope it is still easy to understand what I wrote here, cheers guys bounce santa
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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptyFri Jun 08, 2012 7:12 pm


Reading half of your review your English is OK, no problem. i'll continue tomorrow.
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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptySat Jun 09, 2012 6:12 pm

You experience is similar as mine, when i first saw the original game is Bare Knuckle Part 1, i did not actually play Part 1 at the time. But you seems to have hard time training yourself those days, good experience.

I formally starts from SOR 3 i remember.
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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptySat Jun 23, 2012 9:20 pm

Well I can't say it was a hard time, it's just I am not always calm when I play Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptySun Jun 24, 2012 5:15 am

The most valuable thing is you have experience like everyone here, because we still have the heart here to progress and further more we always looking forward to record more cinematic videos.

Your experience is worth today. Wink
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PostSubject: streets of rage remake   Streets of Rage experiences EmptyFri Jun 29, 2012 9:10 am

hello I grew up with video games since the age of 6 years I am gamer! I am an avid fan and collector of retro gaming, I possess 30 different games console and I discovered not long ago streets of rage remake!! What sets the class of the music sound beautiful and you love to remix the game?

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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptyFri Jun 29, 2012 9:29 am

On behalf of all our forum members, welcome to our new forum KiKi. Thank you for posting cool videos.

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PostSubject: hi   Streets of Rage experiences EmptyFri Jun 29, 2012 10:55 am

Admin wrote:
On behalf of all our forum members, welcome to our new forum KiKi. Thank you for posting cool videos.

thank you to you and is a forum for passionate! and forgive me for the translation I am French!
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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptyFri Jun 29, 2012 3:34 pm

Hey KiKi,

No problem, we're all welcome at you haha.
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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptyMon Jul 02, 2012 8:16 am

It's a classic that deserves some kind of comeback. All three games had their pros and cons, but I love every single one.

The first game had fun gameplay and good music. The only real downside would be that the graphics need work, but then again this was one of the first titles of the Sega Genesis. It was also a very hard game, but I've made it to Mr. X before, and the last time I did better than I usually did(I used to be out of lives, out of continues, and low on health when I managed to defeat him).

Courtesy Reviews from: DoubleRansomKnuckle
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PostSubject: Streets of Rage (Twilight Dragon's Experience)   Streets of Rage experiences EmptyFri Jul 13, 2012 5:44 am

Streets of Rage 1
I first played Streets of Rage when I was a kid back on my Sega. I remember my cousin bringing it over and I just fell in love with the game the moment I played the first level. I recently played it a few weeks ago for my Youtube Channel and I have to say years later as an adult, the game is STILL fun.
The gameplay is very simple, get from point A to B while beating up thugs. The story was very stock, but that's how most video game stories were back then. This was a time when companies were focused more on hitting all avenues of gaming. Have a good story as well as gameplay instead of today where it's more focus more on graphics and bump everything else. The overall package is beautiful. WHen you play this game as soon as you hit that power button, you're immediately in the city. Just the intro alone pulls you in. That beautiful RnB style music playing while the backstory scrolls up draws you closer. And then you start the game and that's where the real magic begins.
Now even though there are three characters I only really play with Axel since he's well rounded. As the stage begins the music matches the tempo of the scene. It's rhythm flows through you so hypnotically that you start bumping your head to the music while you trashing thugs. And that's what I love about Streets of Rage. The music and the overall game matches so perfectly. The backgrounds, music, gameplay, everything meshes together and you can't help but have the time of your life.
The difficulty is perfect too. It's not too hard, and not too easy. You have to keep yourself from getting surrounded and use all the weapons you can to quickly knock out your enemies. It's not like one enemy is gonna finish you or anything, it's all about playing smart against the odds and it makes it that much more fun. And let's not forget you have a police car to help you knock everyone out of the screen lol.
I've never beat Streets of Rage, I was planning to do some more gaming on it for my channel, but I figure it'd look better with two players as opposed to just one. I really wish they would remake this game with today's graphics and everything. Keep it as a 2d side scroller, but have enhancements and nice new remixes of the songs. If it's not the gameplay that draws me to this game, it's definitely the music. Enclosed is my playthrough of the first stage. Enjoy people and keep on raging!
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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptySat Jul 14, 2012 6:31 am

I was impress with your experiences on Streets of Rage Part 1, you seems to play this series for long time, the video of your playthrough was cool. Have you play Part 3 instead?
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PostSubject: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptySat Jul 14, 2012 11:47 pm

I can't really remember my 1st experience with Streets of Rage, but I do know it was a Weekend at my aunt's house, and my bro was playing games while I watched, (a typical childhood memory of mine, watching my older siblings play games) sometime afterwards, he popped in a genesis cartridge called "Streets of Rage" I watched as he played it and in a way it reminded me of Final Fight which I played on SNES one time when he rented one time while visiting my Mom's house when I was I dunno maybe 6 or 7. scratch Anyways, I loved the music off the bat when the game started up til the ending credits. The main characters were cool looking and could kick butt, I admit it I had a crush on Blaze back then before I actually started liking girls, Axel was a cool guy with a headband who knew Martial Arts, Adam was a power house despite being a tad bit slow who knew Boxing and had a kick to follow up with his combo, and Blaze knew Judo though not as strong as Axel or Adam, she was still a good character to play with.

The boss were unique and cool to fight with their on strategies you needed to memorize to beat them besides running up to them and punching or kicking them, and if that fails, you can always call on your Police pal to lend a hand with the bazooka's her carries. The Stages are nice and decent, from the Streets to the Office of Mr. X you'll be fighting through hordes of thugs, chicks with whips, karate fighters, and of course the bosses at the end, the music is wonderful too from beginning to end. Smile

Streets of Rage holds a precious play in my heart as one of my favorite games on the Genesis, counting Sonic The Hedgehog, and well that's my experience with SOR1 Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptySun Jul 15, 2012 4:15 am

Yup I have a clip of all three parts on my channel, it's under the "Buried Treasure" playlist ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptySun Jul 15, 2012 6:24 am

Well at your last sentences, i actually feels the same as you but i mainly on Bare Knuckle 3. I can sense that you have a wonderful experience on Streets of Rage and i was fully agree on your views, the entire game and music was fantastic even some bosses are not easy to beat without some basic skills.
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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptySun Jul 15, 2012 7:49 am

Sim wrote:
Well at your last sentences, i actually feels the same as you but i mainly on Bare Knuckle 3. I can sense that you have a wonderful experience on Streets of Rage and i was fully agree on your views, the entire game and music was fantastic even some bosses are not easy to beat without some basic skills.

Thanks, glad you agree, so what's your favorite SOR game? SOR, SOR2, SOR3, or maybe SORR? Surprised
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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptySun Jul 15, 2012 9:41 am

I first started from Bare Knuckle 3 (Japanese Version) later play Streets of Rage 3 (U.S Version).

The U.S version was harder, Japanese version is just nice for me. Surprised Surprised
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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptyMon Jul 23, 2012 10:19 pm

I grew up with video games and I was surely 5 when I discovered Streets of Rage. I was immediately struck seeing the efforts made to work this dark and tragic atmosphere like in the ganster movies when I saw the intro with this so intense and deep-touching music. I immediately liked the levels with their nice graphics (which I still do nearly 21 years after) and their musics both discret and matching very well with the levels' atmosphere. I didn't have any difficulté learning the controls and immediately appreciated the variety of attacks and enemies (which is very well worked compared to the other beat them alls I discovered later). I immediately regreted the lack of an extrication manoeuvre (which I still do by the way if someone knows a mod that adds it in the first episode I'd be glad to test it). I particularly loved the final level because the child I was felt ragged between the fear of what would be going to happen like in the end of some movies and at the same time totally captivated by the game and impatient to reach the end. I still love this level and its music nowadays even if it doesn't impress me as much as it used to. When I finally managed to finish the game in the easy mode (children are very slow to react, their average reaction time is 4 seconds otherly said 2 times the one of a drunken adult) I immediately liked the end and its atmosphere in the logical continuation of the rest of the game and everytime I see it I keep on loving and it reminds me of these good all times when I was a little child discovering his destiny of player-in-the-soul.

I'll tell you about my discovery ot the other episodes another day.

Last edited by Adam_Hunter on Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptyTue Jul 24, 2012 5:38 pm

Well Adam Hunter,

You have the same feeling as me where those days 18 years ago i was about 10 or 11 years old, that was my good times in school and playing around as a small kid. I can sense that you pretty much enjoy the whole Streets of Rage story and you seems to play it perfectly as mention through your reviews, great effort for this. The only difference between me and you is i start off from Bare Knuckle 3 at my time.

After all this remind us about our life and memories.
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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptyTue Jul 24, 2012 11:39 pm

My level is very far from perfect but I already made good things I'm rather proud of.

Last edited by Adam_Hunter on Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:26 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptyFri Jul 27, 2012 8:53 pm

Hi guys I'm new at this forum thing but I'll give it a shot anyway!

I remember first seeing Streets of Rage 2 at my friends house and we played it all the time (I was always Skate).
Then one Christmas I got a Sega Mega Drive and a compilation cartridge called "Mega Games 6" or something and guess what? Streets of Rage was included.
I must have worn that cartridge out! I was hooked, every Friday me and my friends would try to complete it and in actual fact it wasn't until I was at University that I did complete it, on yet another collection but for the Playstation 3.

I have always loved the series, haven't really played the 3rd as I think it is quite rare in the UK, and I have started a play through, mostly for my own enjoyment but here's a video from the series.

Also, I don't know if anyone has been on this site but it's pretty awesome -

Thanks guys, see ya later!

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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptySun Jul 29, 2012 4:04 am

Hi bobtopside

I would say you're very lucky when you have one of the Streets of Rage series included that time. You must be busy beating up the punks every Friday Haha. I would encourage you to try out the part 3 because many people actually beat through this series and I personally like it very much also.

Base on the site you introduce us, they have recently accept us as Partners. Thanks for your recommendation in advance.
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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptySat Aug 04, 2012 1:47 am

First time playing this game, my dad rented it from the local video store (remember those?) in 97. Of course there was the PlayStation and N64 that came out but I didn't have those. I played it and I remember, wow, the music is pretty good and I enjoyed it since I was always a music lover (I would frequent the sound test, as well). I played the hell out of it but never made it past level 5 boss with the two Blaze doppelgangers (I consider them still hard). It was fun until we had to return it. I got back to it in 03 when I was 13 because my dad found a Sega 6 pack somewhere. By this time I had other systems but I still played the Genesis for Sonic. I remember looking at the roster and saying, whoa I remember this game. The awesome music was the key. I played the hell out of it again and one midnight, my little sister and I beat it on 2 players (Axel and Blaze). Then when I was 15, I found out about the other SoRs since back then I didn't have internet. I got to play them and I loved them as well. I heard about the remake in 08 but I didn't indulge in it since it was beta. Two months ago, I was bored and I decided to look up on SoR videos on youtube and found the remake was complete. I downloaded it and I can say that SoRr is by far the best tribute ever. To add to that, the remake of the music is the most excellent soundtrack I have ever heard on a brawler, and this is coming from an aspiring audio engineer.
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PostSubject: Re: Streets of Rage experiences   Streets of Rage experiences EmptyWed Aug 08, 2012 6:07 am

Hi XrossFire,

I would rate your reviews 4/5 Stars if your Article appears in the public, because you have shown your progress through your journey, times and experiences. In fact you have similar times from mine, base on my 18 years back i can't afford to but the entire Sega game so i rented the game too. I actually started from Bare Knuckle 3 later i made my way back to Streets of Rage 2 and so on.

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Mark Rodriguez

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PostSubject: yo   Streets of Rage experiences EmptySat Aug 11, 2012 7:11 pm

What can I say? It was the second Genesis game I ever played (the first being Sonic) and it was awesome. For being an all-original game and not being a home version of some already existing arcade game, this game was awesome. Unlike Final Fight for SNES, there were 3 characters and 2 player action. The music was totally rockin' and the characters had way more moves. And the police car coming in to bombard the screen with explosives? That was awesome and never done before. I just like the whole game and the atmosphere of it all. The sequels only made it better.
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